Thursday, August 14, 2008

Damn Scraps!

The usual morning drive to drop my daughter off at school was not so usual after all. I couldn't find the Bob Marley CD (that Trinity has in rotation in my truck right now) so I opted for the good ol' fashion FM radio. Yeah I got Sirius in the ride, but decided to see what the latest is in mainstream nowadays. Needless to say, I found myself fumbling through radio stations trying to find something decent. Yeah... that wasn't happening, it might just be because I'm older or my standards for music is somewhat unique, but I couldn't find anything on, I couldn't even tell you the name of the artist that were on the radio, at least the ones that I scanned through between home and Trinity's school (short drive). So I didn't get my morning audio breakfast, thank goodness for coffee. It leaves me thinking of this verse:

"It is time we put the hometeam back on the map
All you radio stations play a whole lotta crap
It's like I'm hungry at the table and you feedin me scraps"
--Aceyalone : B-Boy Real McCoy

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