The week of August 4th I took some vacation time off work to take the fam to Orlando. We met my sister and her family there and crashed at their timeshare (it was a nice spot) and we all went to a couple Disney parks and had a great time. This is my sister, Brandon, Ryan, and Analyn (not neccessarly it that order thoug):

It was hotter than the cheese on fresh made pizza, as well as humid but all in all it turned out to be great first family vacation. We even got to see Wii-nang Angela, Tito Geh, Tita Rosana, Josh, and Tita Rosana's pops and had a nice dinner at their place. Difinitely had some good eats and plenty of it over there, especially the salmon and the fresh fruit that Angela woke up at 5AM to pick from their fruit trees ;)
Here's the Jambalaya combo for ya!

We spent a couple days over at Downtown Disney, just hanging out all together. We played with legos, rode choo-choo trains, and merry go rounds.

Me, my lovely wife and wonderful daughter!

Appearently there was some kind of dress code over at the Animal Kingdom, however I didn't get that memo.

Anyways the trip was fun, it was good to travel as a family, and awesome to spend some time with my sister and her crew. All in all it came down to one thing, having this little girl find Minnie Mouse (even it meant asking Mickey where she was).
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